Manage Ranking / Rank List Settings (Regular vs Golf Score Rank) - Legacy

Thalamus Rank Lists can be set to rank applicants based on a Golf Score Rank or Regular Rank.  This guide will provide you with more details and steps to customize the rank list type.

If your program is participating in Thalamus Holistic Review, please visit our Mange Ranking / Rank List Settings (Regular vs Golf Score Rank) - Thalamus Holistic Review user guide.

NOTE: An applicant must have at least one overall score to be added to a rank list.

  • Regular Rank Type: The rank list is ordered so that the highest rank (i.e. rank #1) is provided to the applicant with the highest overall score.

  • Golf Rank Type: The rank list is ordered so that the highest rank (i.e. rank #1) is provided to the applicant with the lowest overall score.

Change Ranking Settings: 

Navigate to the Score link in the top banner and select "Scoring Algorithms". 

  1. Select the "Ranking Settings" tab from the top of the screen. 
    Note: Changing your rank settings will apply to all rank lists that you have created. In order to update any additional rank lists, you will need to recalculate each individual rank list to reflect your new rank setting. 

  2. To change the Rank list Type, select the "Edit" button on the right corner of the page. 
  3. Select the desired Rank type from the drop-down box. 
  4. To save your changes, select the "Save" button. To cancel your changes, select the "Cancel" button. 

Note: Making this change will apply to the entire automatic rank list immediately. Applicants who were manually ranked will not change. 



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