Contact Us!

Thalamus is proud to have a staff of Customer Support specialists available to assist you during your interview season. 

There are two ways to contact us:

Help Button

1) On any Thalamus Screen, there is a "Help" button. This help button can not only direct you to our various user guides, but also can be used to submit a ticket to our Customer Support Team. 

2) After selecting "Help", select the "Contact Us" button.  Complete the form, click "Send" and your message will be sent directly to our team. Utilizing our Help Button allows us to see what place in Thalamus you are contacting us from, and more effectively solve any inquiry you may have. 



1) You can also email us directly at and your email will be directed to our Customer Support team where a support ticket will be generated for you. 

Our process will prioritize urgent requests, so if you need assistance urgently, please let us know in the ticket description or email subject. Additional information such as your AAMC ID, program you are interviewing with or attempting to schedule with, and screenshots are always helpful. 

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