The Itinerary List displays any pending or completed itineraries created by the Itinerary Wizard.
This list will be available to view when at least one itinerary is started in the Itinerary Wizard.
Multiple itineraries may be created concurrently using the Itinerary Wizard, and will be completed in the background. Created itineraries may be edited and unwanted drafts may be discarded as needed.
View Using the Itinerary Wizard to build your Interview day automatically for more information about the Itinerary Wizard.
Note: The list will only show itineraries created by you.
Navigating the Itinerary List Page
This page view is only available when at least one itinerary is started in the Itinerary Wizard. The list is sorted by the most recent updated itinerary. Below will provide key action items:
Filtering Itineraries
- Filter the itinerary list by using the following fields:
- Search: Search by keyword in the Event Name
- From Date: This will display any events scheduled after this date
- To Date: This will display any events scheduled up until this date
- Click the "Reset" button to clear any set filters.
- Click the "Refresh" button to refresh the Itinerary List page. This will update all itinerary data and statistics within the list below.
Create Itinerary
- Select the "+ Create Itinerary" button to begin a new Itinerary Wizard.
Understanding the Itinerary List Data
The Itinerary List will display any pending or completed itineraries created by you using the Itinerary Wizard.
NOTE: If other users are using the Itinerary Wizard within the same program, these itineraries will not be viewable by you.
The Itinerary list will display the following fields and information:
- Event Name: displays the internal name of the calendar event drafted in the Itinerary Wizard
- Event Date: displays the event date and start time of the calendar event drafted in the Itinerary Wizard
- Created At: displays a timestamp of when the Itinerary Wizard was drafted
- Last Updated: displays a timestamp of when that itinerary was last updated
- Status: displays the status of the Itinerary
- Read more about Status definitions below
- % Complete: Provide the percentage of itinerary wizard processing and
- Missing Sessions: Provides the number of sessions that were missed when calculating the Itinerary Wizard
More About Itinerary List Status
Once an Itinerary Wizard is started for any event, a new line will appear under the Itinerary List. Additionally, users can access any past draft and edit or complete the itinerary setup. A status will be provided for each itinerary wizard started. Below will provide you a brief description of each status:
- Draft: An Itinerary Wizard has been started for an event, but not fully finalized and created (through step 8).
- Terminated Early: The Itinerary Wizard was "Terminated" in Step 8 and manually stopped from creating the itinerary.
- Running: The Itinerary Wizard has been selected to "Continue in Background" in Step 8 and is currently creating the itinerary schedule for the selected event.
- Completed:The Itinerary Wizard has fully completed creating the itinerary. The itinerary created can be then created and published within the Itinerary Builder.
- Select the calendar icon under the actions column to create the itinerary.
- Itinerary Created: When selecting the "Create Itineraries" or "Create Itineraries & Publish" button in Step 8, the itinerary will be updated to this status.
Itinerary List Actions
At any time, previous drafts or created itineraries may be edited and unwanted drafts may be discarded as needed. These actions can be taken by using the icons in the Actions column.
- Edit/Finalize/Create an Itinerary: Clicking the calendar icon will navigate you into the Itinerary Wizard for the selected event. The itinerary can be further worked on, edited for any changes, or create the finalized/completed itinerary.
- Delete an Itinerary: To delete an itinerary wizard, select the trashcan icon.
NOTE: This action cannot be undone.
Navigate Back to Itinerary List
Once an Itinerary Wizard has been started, you can navigate away from the Itinerary Wizard and the draft will be saved. All drafts started and completed by you will be stored in the Itinerary List.
Navigate to the Itinerary List at any point by selecting the "Back to Itinerary List" button in the upper right-hand corner of the Itinerary Wizard.
You can edit and come back to any Itinerary Wizard drafted and/or completed.