Explore the fundamentals of Aggregate Scores and Formulas within the context of Thalamus Holistic Review. Gain insights into how aggregate scores are calculated and their significance in assessing candidate applications.
Understanding Aggregate Scores
Aggregate Scores
Several score types are calculated at different stages of the recruitment process. Aggregating scores allows your program’s score managers to customize how the Overall Score, Interview Score, and Cortex Score are calculated.
- Overall Score: drives an applicant's initial position on the default rank list. You can choose whether you would like the Overall Score to be determined by scorecards or by competencies. Your choice here does not impact the collection or review of this data; only the calculation of the Overall Score is affected. You can customize how each component of the Overall Score is weighted as well.
- Interview Score: can be a useful way to review applicants during rank meetings. The Interview Score is derived from Core Interview scorecards. You can customize how each Core Interview scorecard is weighted. Note: The Core Interview Score does not affect rank position.
- Cortex Application Score: For programs who score during the application review phase using Cortex, the Cortex Application Score can be a useful reference. The Cortex Application Score is derived from Cortex scorecards. You can customize how each Cortex scorecard is weighted. Note: The Cortex Application score does not affect rank position.
Note: Overall Score, Interview Score and Cortex Application Score can be derived from aggregating scorecards. Overall Score can be aggregated by competencies or scorecards. Interview and Cortex scores can only be aggregated from scorecards and do not support competencies.
How to Aggregate Scores: Overall Score (by Competency)
- Select "4 Aggregate Scores" at the top of the screen
- Select “Overall Score”
- Clicking on either “Competencies” or “Scorecards” will determine how your applicant’s Overall Score is derived
- If selecting “Competencies”, toggle the "Include" button to select the competencies you wish to include in your Overall Score
- Toggle “Auto split” on/off to automatically split the weight of each of your chosen competencies
- Select either “Sum” or “Average” to compile the Overall Score
- Click “Save Changes”
How to Aggregate Scores: Overall Score (by Scorecards)
- Select "4 Aggregate Scores" at the top of the screen
- Select “Overall Score”
- Clicking on either “Competencies” or “Scorecards” will determine how your applicant’s Overall Score is derived
- If selecting “Scorecards”, toggle the "Include" button to select the Scorecards you wish to include in your Overall Score
- Toggle “Auto split” on/off to automatically split the weight of each of your chosen Scorecards
- Select either “Sum” or “Average” to compile the Overall Score
- Click “Save Changes”
How to Aggregate Scores: Interview Score
- Select "4 Aggregate Scores" at the top of the screen
- Select “Interview Score”
- Toggle the "Include" button to select the Scorecards you wish to include in your Interview Score
- Toggle “Auto split” on/off to automatically split the weight of each of your chosen Scorecards
- Select either “Sum” or “Average” to compile the Overall Score.
- Click “Save Changes”
How to Aggregate Scores: Cortex Application Score
- Select "4 Aggregate Scores" at the top of the screen
- Select “Cortex Application Score”
- Toggle the "Include" button to select the Scorecards you wish to include in your Cortex Application Score
- Toggle “Auto split” on/off to automatically split the weight of each of your chosen Scorecards
- Select either “Sum” or “Average” to compile the Overall Score.
- Click “Save Changes "Score are calculated.
Understanding Formulas
In Thalamus programs can view sample scoring data to understand the Thalamus Holistic Review math logic. To view the sample scoring data in Thalamus:
At the top of the Thalamus page select the “Score” tab and then select “Score Administration”.
From the “Score Administration” select the “Math” tab.
The Math section provides interactive examples to demonstrate the Thalamus Holistic Review logic and formulas.
By selecting the orange “Math” button, an example formula will appear displaying an equation for the sample data. This equation explains how the scoring data is calculated in Thalamus based on how your program has determined competencies, questions, scorecards, weights and aggregate scores. More information on creating scorecards can be found here: Creating a Scorecard - Thalamus Holistic Review
Example data can be viewed for the following:
- Competency score will roll up question scores grouped by theme results in a competency score.
- Scorecards score will group questions by the event where the scorecard will be used (example: Cortex Application Review and Interviews)
Overall Score
- Overall Score is an aggregation of selecting Competencies or Scorecards.
Cortex Application Score and Interview Score
- Cortex Application Score is calculated from selected scorecards completed in Cortex.
- Core Interview Score is calculated from selected scorecards completed in Thalamus Core.