Cortex Assigned Faculty Filters - Thalamus Holistic Review

In Cortex an Assigned Faculty filter can be created to allow Score Managers to filter based on reviewer name from the Applications page and the Assignments page.


Creating Assigned Faculty Filters

1. To create an Assigned Faculty Filter select the filter drop down and select manage filters.

ss 1.png


2. You will be navigated to the mange filters page. From the mange filters page select the plus icon.

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3. Once the plus icon selected you will be prompted to create a name for the filter.

ss 3.png


4. Once the name has been created:

a. select “Assigned Faculty” from the drop down

b. select “is”

c. select the faculty member name from the drop down

5. Select save

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Once an Assigned Faculty filter has been created, Score Managers can filter by reviewer name and only the applications that have been assigned to the reviewer will appear in both the Applications page and the Assignments page.

Please note: Reviewers will be able to select any of the created filters made in the program. If a reviewer selects the filter for another reviewer, they will only see applications they both have been assigned. (Example: If there are a total of 20 applications and reviewer Prisha Thalamus has been assigned 10 applications and Mariah Thalamus has been assigned all 20 applications. If Prisha Thalamus selects to view the “Mariah Thalamus” Assigned Faculty filter, Prisha Thalamus will only see the 10 applications her and Mariah Thalamus have both been assigned. Prisha will not see the additional 10 applications that have only been assigned Mariah Thalamus.


Understanding the Assignments Page

Please note: If a faculty member starts or completes a scorecard for an applicant they have not been assigned to, an exclamation point will display within the status icon. Please note: Only Score Managers (Program Directors, Program Administrators and Program Coordinators) have the ability to score an unassigned applicant.






For additional questions or support please contact our team by submitting a ticket here or from the teal "Contact Thalamus Customer Support" button in the lower right hand corner of any page of our website.

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