Exporting Applicants From Cortex to Thalamus (from Assignments page)

Program administrators and directors have the ability to view applicant's statuses based on the faculty reviewers recommendations and have the ability to change them as well. Once applications have been reviewed and applicants have been recommend to interview, follow the below steps to give a final status to your applicants, and export applicants from Cortex to Thalamus

1. In Cortex the recommended action is teal in color. Teal always means this is an individual recommendation. Both score managers and reviewers can make individual recommendations.

a. On the assignments page all individual recommendations appear as teal bubbles above the application status.

b. The orange app status is the ‘final status’ and is shared by the score managers (PD, PA, PC) any of them can select or change the orange status.

2. From the assignment page the application status is located to the right of the applicant avatar and name. The super tooltip, appearing on mouse over the app status, provides current details about who voted for each status. There are 4 status options to select from and faculty interviewers should be informed on how your program would like to use these statuses in advance of reviewing applications:

On Hold

Once a faculty interviewer has selected their status, the program administrator and/or director can review where an applicant is within the review process. They also have the ability to make final changes to these statuses. 

A final status may be marked in orange by a Program Director, Administrator, or Coordinator.

3. You may now export to Thalamus, which includes applications that have a final status of Invite indicated by the orange filled circle.

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