Utilizing a Single Competency vs Multiple Competencies to Build Scorecard Questions- Thalamus Holistic Review

This user guide will outline a workaround for generating Scorecard questions using a single Competency, designed for programs that prefer not to manage multiple Competencies.


For programs wanting to use a single Competency to build their scorecards we recommend creating a new Competency (Example: "All Interview Questions"). Once the Competency is created with your customized title, you may begin to move all questions from any previously existing Competencies. You may also create questions to add to the new Competency as well. Once the new Competency has been created and all questions moved into the single Competency, you may now begin to create your Scorecards. When creating your Scorecards, you will be able to pull all of the questions from the single Competency vs pulling questions from multiple Competencies.


Below we have provided step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish this workaround:

1. Creating a New Competency

2. Moving Questions from One Competency to Another Competency

3. Adding new questions to a Competency


To Create a New Competency

  1. Click the “+ Add Competency” button on the bottom of the “1 Competencies & Questions” page.
  2. The New Competency editor module will appear. The pencil and paper icon will appear as teal when editing a new or existing competency. Click the trash can icon to remove the competency or cancel your edits.
    NOTE: A competency may not be deleted if there are questions added to that competency.
  3. Click the “New Competency” box and type your competency name - such as "Questions for Interview Scorecard"
  4. Click the “Competency Description” box and write a short description of the competency.
  5. Click the “Save” button to save your new competency.
  6. A green notification box will appear in the upper right hand corner of your screen when the competency is saved successfully.

New Competency.png


To Move Questions from one Competency to Another Competency

  1. From the Competencies & Questions tab locate the competency that contains the questions you wish to move and select the drop down arrow.
  2. Once the drop down arrow has been selected, select the 3-dot icon next to the question you wish to remove.
  3. Once the 3 dots have been selected, select "Move question to another competency".

  4. Select the competency for which the question will be moved into.

  5. Once the competency has been selected, select the "Move Question" button.
  6. Repeats the steps above for all questions you wish to move.

To Add Questions to a Competency

  1. Click the pencil and paper icon of the competency you wish to add the question to. The competency editor module will appear.

  2. Click the “Add Question” button and the New Question module will appear underneath the competency name and competency description.

  3. Click the “New Question” box and type your question or statement.

  4. Click the “Question type” Dropdown menu to choose which type of question you wish to create. For all question types, the option for Unable to Assess allows the reviewer to select and exclude this question from the score rollup. Additionally, all question types provide the option to enable a note field adjacent to the question.

    • Score offers configurable upper and lower limits setting the allowed range. Reviewers will choose a number within the allowed range.

    • Dropdown supports selection of one response from a predefined list of choices. A custom score value may be assigned to each choice.

    • Levels offer a range of 2-10, a title and description for each level and also supports a response between levels. The configurable scores are not visible to the reviewer. 

    • Likert offers a range of 2-10 with customizable labels. The configurable scores are not visible to the reviewer.

    • Yes/No offers a binary choice. The option for Unable to Assess enables a third, non-binary response when needed.

    • NOTE: Question Tooltip = supports a rubric in the tooltip adjacent each question. This tooltip can contain a couple of paragraphs of text if desired.
  5. After choosing the Question type, users may customize the available answers to be selected by reviewers.

  6. When all settings are configured for the question, click “Save Question” in the bottom right corner of the new question module.

  7. A green notification box will appear in the upper right hand corner of your screen when the question is saved successfully.

Create New Question.png




If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact our team by submitting a ticket here or from the teal "Contact Thalamus Customer Support" button in the lower right hand corner of any page of our website.



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