This document describes the steps to transfer applicants from the OBGYN application into Thalamus for interview invitation and management, virtual interviews, scoring and ranking. As the OBGYN application is new for this season, this process has been formally tested with program users to ensure success and ease of transfer of applicant data. Should your program have any questions, please reach out to the Thalamus Team by clicking the teal help button at the bottom-right-hand corner of any Thalamus screen or email us at
Exporting applicants out of the OBGYN application
Exporting Applicant Data (CSV/Excel)
Customize Your Applications Grid: From the OBGYN Applications section, the Applications Grid will display. Select the Grid Customizer (gear icon in the upper-right-hand corner of the applicant table), to customize the grid to show fields that you would like to display for export to Thalamus.
- The Grid Columns modal will display.
- To add a field to the grid, drag and drop from the desired fields from the Available Fields section to the Shown on Grid section.
The required fields needed for import to Thalamus include:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Select “Save” to apply these fields on the grid.
Note: Should your program have any questions or require additional fields, please reach out to the Thalamus Team by clicking the teal help button at the bottom-right-hand corner of any Thalamus page or email us at
- Select the applicants you want to transfer to Thalamus individually or in bulk using selection tools, tags, phases or segments (based on your program preferences).
- Once your applicants are selected, click the “Export” button that displays at the bar at the bottom of the screen.
- The export menu will appear, listing the number of applicants selected for export, which can be done as one of three options:
- “My Current View (X Columns) Tabular”
- “Default PDF Export PDF”
- “Default JSON Export JSON”
- To export a CSV file (Excel file, which is the format needed to import into Thalamus) --> select “My Current View (X Columns) Tabular”
- Select Download
- The file will process in a model on your screen, you can close this message while the request is processed in the background.
- You will be informed (through another modal that appears) once the file is ready and can be downloaded/accessed.
- Click on the blue file name (link) to download the file to your computer.
- If you accidentally close the window or need to access the file at a later time, it can be accessed on the “Activity/My Downloads” (4th item from the top on the main left menu bar --> “Downloads” tab
- The CSV file is then ready for import into Thalamus Core (see below for instructions on importing into Thalamus Core).
- (Optional). Your program may keep track of applicants moved to Thalamus Core by creating a phase, segment or tag.
The above steps need to be completed to import applicants into Thalamus Core so they can be invited to interview.
Exporting Application PDFs
- (Optional) To download PDFs of the applications, repeat the same steps above, but in the export menu select “Default PDF Export PDF”
- (Optional) The file will again process (note this step may take longer as PDFs are larger files than CSV files). You will be informed when the file is completed.
- Click on the blue file name (link) to download the file to your computer. Note: This is a zip file and will need to be unzipped to access the individual PDFs.
- The PDF files are then ready for import into Thalamus Core (see below for instructions on importing into Thalamus Core). This process can be completed as many times as necessary.
Exporting Applicant Photos
- Applicant photos can be acquired from either the OBGYN application screen or captured from an application PDF and then uploaded into Thalamus using the steps below.
Note: Applicants may also upload a photo of themselves into Thalamus, which will display for programs upon the applicant being invited to interview.
Importing Applicants into Thalamus
Import Applicants into Thalamus using CSV
Use the exported CSV file (described above) to import applicants into Thalamus. Do not make any changes to the field headers.
The following fields are required for each applicant at a minimum.
- First Name
- Last Name
IMPORTANT: For any applicants that do not have an AAMC ID listed, leave those cells blank and contact our customer care team with a copy of your CSV.
The AAMC ID must be used with the candidate's actual number. Please DO NOT make up an AAMC ID, as it can be connected to another applicant and cause an issue with the applicant account(s). Contact the Thalamus Customer Care Team ( for any questions or clarifications.
- Navigate to the Applicants page (which will initially appear empty with the message shown)
- Select the “+ Import” button.
- The “Import Applicants” module will appear.
- Select “Choose File,” then select the desired CSV file and click “Open.” The file will begin to upload automatically.
- Once the upload is complete, the “Applications Import Completion” module will appear displaying the applicants that will be imported, or any that may have failed due to incorrect or missing data.
- Select “COMPLETE” to finalize the upload. If not selected, the upload will be lost. Once finalized, your applicant data will display in the applicant dashboard table.
- To cancel this process at any time, select “CANCEL”.
Important Note: The CSV upload in Thalamus was designed to accommodate multiple CSV file uploads throughout the interview season. You may continue to add applicants to the same CSV file. Applicants from prior uploads may remain in your master CSV file. No applicants will ever be duplicated or deleted.
Upload Applicant Documents
Applicants imported into Thalamus can have additional documents uploaded to their record. Documents can be assigned to one of two categories:
- Application Document: applicants can have one application document uploaded. These documents can be managed by program admins.
- Other Documents: programs have the option to upload Other documents for any applicant imported into Thalamus. Multiple documents can be imported and can be managed by program admins.
Please note the following:
- Documents must be in a .pdf format
- The application document can be either the complete application or specific parts/pages that you choose to include.
- Program Director, Program Administrator, Program Coordinators can see all documents available
- Program Interviewers can view all Application documents
- Program Resident and Program Fellow do not have permission to view any documents
Upload Applicant Documents
The documents section in Thalamus is located in the Thalamus Score Drawer. The score drawer can be accessed in multiple places.
- Clicking on the 3 dots next to the applicant and select "Score Applicant"
- Locate the Documents column in the applicants grid and select the "+" icon (scroll right on the grid, this may need to be enabled using the gear icon)
- This will open the score drawer
Once the score drawer is open for the applicant selected, follow the below instructions:
- Click the teal "Add Documents" button
- Click "Choose File" and select the file from your device to upload
- multiple documents can be uploaded and assigned
- Select the document type you wish to assign
- Application Document
- Other Document
- Select "Add (#) Document"
To delete an uploaded document, simply click the red "X" to the right of the document you wish to remove.
Upload Applicant Avatar/Photo
- On the Applicant page, click on the avatar icon / initials next to the name of the applicant you wish to upload a photo for
- Click “+ Select File” and select the file
- Select “Add avatar” to save the uploaded file or “Cancel” to discard any changes
Please let us know how else we can assist and hope everyone has a great recruitment season!
Team Thalamus