Program Administrators, Program Directors, and Program Coordinators can determine which individual application documents Program Interviewers can access and review. This guide will walk users through editing and managing document permissions within Thalamus Core.
Please note, that Program Residents and Program Fellows will still have NO document-viewing capabilities.
Enabling Document Permissions
- When logged into Thalamus Core navigate to the "Administration" tab.
- Select the "Document Permissions" tab to view the list of Document Permissions. All of the documents that can come through an ERAS application will be listed individually within this list.
- Programs can toggle the Document Permission “Off” by clicking on the toggle in the "Show" column. When a Permission is disabled the toggle will appear gray.
- Once all changes have been made click the "Save" button in the right-hand corner. A pop-up will appear if a user attempts to leave this tab without saving the changes made to these Permissions.
Editing Document Permissions
Initially, all application documents will default to “On” within Thalamus Core, which signifies that Program Interviewers are able to view all uploaded documents. The toggle will appear in teal in the “Show” column.
Any changes made to Document Permissions are signified by a yellow dot to the left of the toggle button. There will be a running total of Permissions changed at that time in the top right corner. Program Administrators, Program Directors, and Program Coordinators will be able to see when and by who a Document Permission was last modified in the "Permissions Last Modified" column.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact our team by submitting a ticket here or from the teal "Contact Thalamus Customer Support" button in the lower right-hand corner of any page of our website.