Creating an Interview Day in your Calendar

Programs can create a calendar event for each interview day or session they host.  There can be multiple events added on a single day.  
NOTE: Applicants can only sign up for one calendar event per interview type, with the exception of social events.


Creating a Calendar Event

  1. Access your program calendar by selecting “Calendar” from the upper menu bar.  
  2. Use the arrows in the upper left-hand corner to scroll between months to locate your interview day. 
  3.  Select the “Add Event” button in the upper left-hand corner.  Alternatively, you may click on the box that corresponds to your interview date.  The “Create Event” menu will appear.
    Add Event.png

  4. Under “Event Type” select “Interview” from the dropdown menu. Alternatively, you may also Create Social Events on your Calendar and Create Follow Up Calendar Events for Multiple Interview Days.
  5. Enter a title in the corresponding field.
    Note: Titles are standardized on the applicant side of the platform (displaying your program name and specialty to the applicant). This title is for internal use and will only be visible to your programs users and not applicants.

  6. Enter the event time by typing into the field or using up/down arrows.

  7. Enter the location in the corresponding field (this is optional).
    Create Interview Event.png

  8. Thalamus is equipped with “Private/Hidden Events.” This is a feature specifically designed to accommodate an interview event that you wish to remain private/hidden from your general applicant pool. Applicants will not see the event on their Thalamus calendar unless you have manually scheduled them for this event. 
  9. Select the event status. Open status will allow the applicants to self schedule into the interview event. A closed event will appear on the applicant calendar, but will not show open positions.
  10. The sign-up and cancellation locks will be set to your default global settings, set on the program profile page. These can be adjusted manually for each event and not effect the global settings.
  11. If an interview event repeats over a series of weeks, you can use “Repeat Weekly”.  This will create an interview event on the same day of the week for an assigned interval of time. To turn this feature on, slide the radio button in the corresponding row to the right. Select the days of the week for the event to repeat by clicking on the corresponding squares in the row. When selected, the circles will fill teal in color. Select the ending date by clicking on the calendar icon in the “Repeat Until” row. Use the calendar that appears to select your end date.
    Note: If using this feature, you will not be able to edit groups of scheduled interview events. All individual events will need to be updated if there is any desired change to your calendar.

  12. To add a description to the interview event, enter the desired information into the "Event Description" box at the bottom of the "Create Event" screen. Text may be formatted using the formatting toolbar. 
    Note:  Applicants will be able to see the description for the interview event.  You will also be able to view the description on your calendar after clicking on an event date.

  13. To add documents, click the “Add Attachments" button. Browse for the file on your computer. Select a file and click “Open.”  It will instantly be attached to this interview event for applicants to view.
    Note: Attachments are only viewable by applicants once signed up for a date, the rest of the description is visible regardless of whether or not applicant is signed up.
    Create Social Event 2.png
    Select Attachments 2.png

  14. Available positions are added in the “Scheduling Group/Tier Distribution Setup.” Select the down arrow at the right to expand the modal and edit the available positions.
    Visit our Creating/Editing your Program Profile guide to set up Scheduling Groups, and our Tiering Applicants on your Applicant Dashboard and Assigning Scheduling Groups on your Applicant Dashboard guides for setting up Applicant Tiers and Scheduling Groups.
  15. Once all of your information has been entered and confirmed, select “Save” to create your social event(s).  To discard the event, select “Cancel” or click outside of the “Create Event” box.
    Note: The “Save” button will be inactivated until all required fields are completed.
    Scheduling Group Tier Distribution.png

  16. Once confirmed, your interview event(s) will appear on your calendar as a light teal event box.  Private events will be designated by a green outline.

    First Interview Event.png
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