Scoring an Applicant Through the Applicant Dashboard - Legacy

At least one custom scoring algorithm must be created prior to scoring applicants. Please see Creating a Custom Scoring Algorithm.

1. Applicant scoring can be conducted through the Applicant Dashboard or schedules screen. This guide will review scoring applicants through the applicant dashboard. 

2. In the Applicant dashboard, use the search bar, filters, or other selection criteria to locate the applicant to be scored. Select the “triple dot” menu next to that applicant’s name.

3. Select “Score applicant.”


4. The “Applicant Score” module will display applicant information and available scoring algorithms. INTERVIEWERS: Consult with your program to determine which score you should use. 

  • Interview Score: Score that will not factor into rank.
  • Overall Score: Score that will automatically calculate applicant rank. 
  • Cortex Score: Score of application materials. Does not factor into rank.

5. To enter a new score select the "Add Score+" icon.


6. ”The “Create Applicant Score” module will appear.

7. Select the Score Type and algorithm you wish to use to score the applicant via the drop down boxes. 
INTERVIEWERS: Consult with your program to determine which score and algorithm you should use. 

8. In each score box, type the score that the applicant has received for each category. 
Interviewers: Consult with your program to determine the scale you should for your scores. 

The algorithm will be applied to each score (it will multiply the score by the weights and then sum to create a total score, which will be listed automatically).

9. Type any notes into the “NOTE” box at the bottom of the module. Text may be formatted using the icons displayed at the top of the box.  These notes will be saved and linked to the score, defined as a “Scoring Note."

10. Once all data has been entered, select “SAVE” to save score. To cancel, select “CANCEL” or click anywhere outside of the box.


11. The score will then be displayed in the “Applicant Score” module listed by Interviewer (i.e. whichever program user inputted the score), the score (+ an average if there are multiple scores) and a timestamp from the last score update.

12. To view notes associated with the score (i.e. “Scoring Notes”), scroll your cursor over the “paper” icon in the notes column.


14. To edit the score, select the “pencil” icon. To delete the score, select the red “X” icon.

15. To close the module, select the gray “X” or click anywhere outside the box.


This process may be repeated for additional scores, including “Overall Scores,” which will factor into applicant rank.


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