Once applicants have received an “Overall Score,” they will automatically receive a rank in Thalamus. This information can be accessed through your "Applicants" Dashboard. Programs can also access the rank list through the "Applicant Rank List" page. For more information on Scoring and Rank Lists, review our Scoring an Applicant and Viewing and Ordering Applicant Rank List guide.
1. Information will be displayed in the “Notes,” “Interview Score,” “Overall Score,” and “Rank” columns in the "Applicants" dashboard
2. To view notes, scroll your cursor over the “triple line” icon. The notes module will appear displaying notes in reverse chronological order with a time stamp as well as a signature of the program user who created the note.
3. To insert an additional note, select the (+) icon in the upper right-hand corner of the box. For those applicants yet to have a note created, selecting the (+) icon in the “Notes” column to open the quick note editor, where a note may be created.
Note: Notes that are entered from the applicant dashboard are considered “Quick Notes” (denoted by the “Q” symbol). Notes that are entered through the scoring module are considered “Scoring Notes” (denoted by the “S” symbol).
4. Notes may be modified by selecting the “edit” link. Notes may be removed by selecting the “delete” link.
5. Applicant rank is automatically entered based on “Overall Score” value. To override this value, scroll your mouse cursor over “Rank” value. The “Applicant Rank” module will appear.
6. To manually set rank, select “Set manually” by filling in the corresponding “bubble” with a blue check mark.
7. Enter the new rank in the box as shown (type in the new number)
8. Select “SAVE” to save this new rank (other applicant ranks will be adjusted relative to this new rank). To discard changes, select “CLOSE” or click anywhere outside the box.