Thalamus is equipped with a feature that allows users to group candidates by “Scheduling Group.”
The scheduling groups feature allows for grouping of candidates amongst particular categories (e.g. California residents, Rotated at Institution, etc.) and can be used to create scheduling preferences.
- Applicants must be assigned to at least one scheduling group but can be assigned to multiple.
- Positions are created for each scheduling group on a given interview date on the calendar.
- Applicants are assigned scheduling groups on the applicant dashboard. These act as permissions to the scheduling group within Thalamus and allow applicants to sign up for specific interview spot(s).
- Applicants will only be able to sign up for those spots that exist for the one or multiple scheduling groups to which a corresponding scheduling group has been assigned.
Applicants will not see events on dates that do not contain at least one position for a scheduling group on which they are assigned. If the date contains filled spot(s) for their scheduling group, applicant will be able to sign up for the wait list.
Applicants do not and will not know to which scheduling group(s) they are assigned.
NOTE: Scheduling groups can be changed up until the applicant is scheduled.
Assign a Scheduling Group to a Single Applicant
- Select the “Triple Dot” menu next to the desired applicant
- In the menu, select “Set Scheduling Groups”
The “Set Scheduling Groups for Single Applicant” module will appear.
3. To assign one or more scheduling group to this applicant, slide the toggle to the right to enable that scheduling group. When the toggle is teal, that means the scheduling group is assigned.
4. To confirm these assignments, select the teal Apply button. The applicant will then be assigned these scheduling groups. In the example below, the applicant would be assigned the "Categorical" scheduling group.
5. To assign additional or modify an assigned scheduling group, repeat steps above.
Assign a Scheduling Group to Multiple Applicants at Once
1. Select the applicants by checking the boxes next to names, and the corresponding rows will be highlighted in blue. You can select all applicant or select full page by clicking the "Select Box" next to the "First/ Last" column on the toolbar.
2. Click on the “Actions” button to open the drop-down menu.
3. Select “Set Scheduling Groups”
The “Set Scheduling Groups” module will appear.
4. To assign one or more scheduling group to this group of applicants, select the corresponding “Assign” button to enable a scheduling group (it will turn teal blue).
5. To confirm these assignments, select the teal Apply button. The applicants will then be assigned to the any scheduling group selected (not shown).
6. To assign additional, remove, or modify a scheduling group, repeat steps.
Note: “No Change” will not change the scheduling group assignment in that category for that group of applicants.