Deleting Event Sessions

For instructions on creating new event sessions, visit our Building Applicant Itineraries and Event Sessions guide.

1. From the "Interviews" tab, navigate to the "Itineraries" page. From the drop down box, select the event date to edit.

2. Select the specific event session to delete. In the pop-up that appears, select delete.

deleting 1.jpg

3. The “Delete Session” module will appear.  To delete the session, select “Delete” and the event session will be removed from the calendar. To discard changes, select “Cancel” or click anywhere outside of the box.

Deleting 2.jpg


4) When you hit delete, a confirmation pop up will appear. Confirm deleting your desired session.

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Note: Deleting an “All” applicant session will remove the entire event session from the calendar.  To selectively remove a candidate from an all applicant event session, edit the session, de-selected the “Apply to All Applicants” checkbox, remove the desired candidate, and save the event session.  

For instructions on Editing Event Sessions, visit our Editing Event Sessions guide.

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