NOTE: The Master View is a feature that is only available for programs who use Thalamus Video to conduct their interviews. The Master View is not available if using a third-party video application (i.e., Zoom, Teams, Webex).
To access the Master View page:
- Click on "Schedule" in the top menu bar
- Select "Master View" in the drop down list
You can view all virtual interview sessions scheduled, or filter by the interview session date.
- Select the date at the blank field at the top, and choose the date you would like to view
- You can reset the view by clicking on the "Reset" button
There are three tabs to toggle between all interview dates.
- Active shows all interview sessions that are currently active
- Previous lists any sessions that have been completed or were previously scheduled
- Upcoming shows all future scheduled sessions
Note: You will only see sessions in the master view once they have been published.
Each column header below holds specific information. This information updates dynamically in real time, so you will not need to refresh your view to see changes. Below will explain each one
- Session Type shows the name of the session type chosen
- Session ID is the specific ID shown on the itinerary session
- Room Name is the number assigned to the specific room. Click on the Room Name number to join the room
- Participants will display the names of everyone who is in the room.
- Started shows the start time
- Ending shows the ending time
- Remaining displays the amount of time remaining until the schedule end time
- Interviewers will display which interviewers were assigned to the session
- Applicants will display which applicants were assigned to the session
Masterview Notifications/Actions
There are five actions you can take while there is an active room. An active room is displayed with a green dot on the left hand side, indicating that there are participants in the room and are actively talking.
Manual Knock: (hand knocking icon) clicking on this will send a message into the room with this message:
"There are "X" minutes left in the interview. Prepare to finish your discussions!"-
An automatic knock will be delivered into the session at the set Virtual Knock Interval (if not customized, the notification will appear when there are 5 minutes remaining).
To customize the knock interval see the Virtual Knock Interval for Thalamus Video (Automatic Notification)
Once the virtual knock icon has been pressed, a counter badge will appear next to the knock button, indicating the number of knocks that have already been sent into the room.
Note: The counter will only appear until the meeting has ended, once the meeting has ended it will reset.
An automatic knock will be delivered into the session at the set Virtual Knock Interval (if not customized, the notification will appear when there are 5 minutes remaining).
- Send Custom Message: (bell icon) will allow you to send a message to all participants in the particular room A. Type the Message in the comment box B. Click "Send Message" to broadcast the message in each participant room. Once the custom message icon has been pressed, a counter badge will appear next to the custom message button, indicating the number of messages that have already been sent into the room.
End Meeting: (Red "X") will automatically close the room immediately upon clicking it
- See Reopening a Forced Closed Room for additional details
Joining a Room: (Join) will allow you join the room by clicking this button and will open the meeting room in a new tab within your browser, navigating you away from the Masterview.
Sending Bulk Notifications
Programs have the option to send the "knock" or "customer notification" to multiple rooms at once.
- Select the box to bulk select all sessions on the page.
- Or select any sessions by clicking the box next to each session you want to be notified
- When toggling pages, any previous sessions selected will saved
- Confirm the number of sessions selected at the top of the list view
- Select "Knock Notification" (hand knocking icon) or the "Custom Notification" (bell icon) to select the bulk notification
- A message will appear that the notification has been sent
Reopening a Forced Closed Room
If a room is forced closed by pressing the red "x" for a session, it can be reopened for participants to join again.
Reopening a room: (Reopen) If a room is closed using the red X, users are able to reopen the room by clicking "Reopen".
- A confirmation window will appear to confirm that you would like to reopen the room:
- Once "Reopen" is selected, the icons to Join, Knock, Send Custom Message, and End Meeting reappear.