This guide will explain how to manually schedule applicants in Thalamus after they have chosen an interview date.
- Create all calendar sessions using the Creating Interview Dates
- Set all calendar sessions to private/hidden by following the below instructions
(This is only temporary until all applicants have been manually scheduled)
- Set all calendar sessions to private/hidden by following the below instructions
A green highlighted box will show around any calendar sessions that are marked as hidden/private, as shown below.
Once all of the events are made and all applicants are loaded into Thalamus, create a custom email template to inform the applicants that they will receive an invite email but the program will schedule them manually into the date previously selected. There is no action needed on their end, except to create a Thalamus account by following the link provided in the invitation message (this is provided by the shortcode "invitation message" that must be included in the invite email. Create a custom invite template by viewing the Managing/ Editing Automatic Email Templates guide. Create this template under the "Interview Invitation" section.
5. Use the Assigning Scheduling Groups on your Applicant Dashboard and Tiering Applicants on your Applicant Dashboard guides prior to sending the invite.
Now it is time to invite and manually schedule the applicants into their already chosen date. Continue to follow the listed steps below to complete your scheduling:
6. To invite your applicants, use the Inviting Applicants to Interview guide.
7. Manually schedule each applicant into their chosen date by viewing the Manually Scheduling an Applicant for Interview or Waitlist guide.
The applicants will receive an automatic confirmation email informing them that they were manually scheduled by the program. You can send any additional information or messages by creating a template in the "Additional Templates" section and using the Manually Sending Email Templates (Additional Templates) guide.
After the applicants are scheduled there are a few options that can happen:
Option 1: If you plan to send more invites out to applicants and allow them to schedule themselves, follow the steps below:
- Turn OFF the hidden/private event button so all dates show to applicants
- Future invited applicants and those previously scheduled can see all open dates, can reschedule for a different day, and place themselves on any waitlists for full days
Option 2: If you plan to send more invites out to applicants and want to continue to manually schedule, follow the steps below:
1. Take no action and leave all events set to private/hidden
2. Repeat the above instruction
Note: Applicants will be able to cancel themselves out of any hidden/private event they are scheduled for. Other applicants will not be able to see the hidden date, therefor not be able to schedule into an open position. The only thing that will prohibit an applicant from cancelling is the lockout interval. See this guide for more information: Setting your “Lockout” Date.