How can I set a password for a faculty/interviewer?

Programs have the ability to add and manage all program users within their program.  After a user is created, an account can be finalized or a password can be updated.  This can only be managed by the Program Administrator, Coordinator, and Director roles.  

Set or Update a Program User Password

  1. Navigate to the "Administration" page
  2. Click on the pencil icon to edit the user profileEdit_User.png

  3. Toggle the button next to "Set / Update Password"
  4. Click "Randomize" to auto assign a password or create a custom password unique the required criteria:
    • at least 8 characters
    • contact at least 1 upper case and 1 lower case letter
    • contact at least 1 number
  5. IMPORTANT: Before saving, be sure to copy or document the newly created password to provide to the program user.   
  6. Click "Save"
  7. Provide user with the created password
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