Building a Match Composite

There are two types of composites you can build: 

  • Match composite (will only display those applicants marked as matched
  • Composite (will include any selected applicants who have been invited, scheduled, cancelled, waitlisted or completed). 

1) To build a Match Composite, select the "Gear" icon from your Applicants page and choose "Build Match Composite". 



2) To build a Composite, Select the applicants you'd like to include, and from the "Actions" menu choose "Build Composite"



3) From the Composite Screen (for either composite type), you can make the following customizations:

  • Change the layout between Portrait and Landscape
  • Change the first or second line of the composite


4) To export the composite, select the "Export" button and choose the preferred format (PDF, Powerpoint, Word). You will be able to make additional changes to the composite after Export, based on your computer's ability to edit the specified document format. 

5) To return to the Applicants page, select the "Return to Applicants" button from the bottom of the screen. 


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