Program Summary Statistics

The Cerebellum Program Summary Statistics section displays the programs total applicant interview statistics across a single season.


The data in this section is provided over multiple perspectives including comparison and benchmarking data across specialty, graphs, and other details including:

  • Invited Applicant Interview Statistics: provides a total number of invitations and final applicant statuses from ERAS and Thalamus and a normalized percentage to account for program size (e.g. each count of invitation status divided by total invitations). 

  • Invited Applicant Overlap Statistics: Provides data on applicants interviewing at other programs on average. Mean overlap is calculated from specialty-wide data from programs using Thalamus.

  • Invited Applicant Exam Statistics: Applicant exam statistics are aggregated from Thalamus/Cortex.

  • Normalized to Program Size: Applicant statistic information normalized to program size, calculated as a percentage by dividing each category by the number of invitations sent. These values are also presented graphically in the accompanying section.

For each of the above categories, the table lists the value for the program and comparison data to other programs.


On the second half of the Program Summary Statistics section, the data from the table is displayed within a bell curve graph, and showing specifically how far the program is from the mean. 


How the Data is Aggregated

Program Summary Statistics:

  1. Includes total number of invitations and final applicant statuses from the Applicants page within Thalamus and in the ERAS PDWS. 
    Note: an applicant who may have missed, been withdrawn, or cancelled in Thalamus, and then rescheduled and interviewed by the program will display as completed, and not counted within the other statuses. Only the final applicant status in Thalamus will be counted. 

  2. Mean overlap is calculated from specialty-wide data from programs using Thalamus.

  3. Applicant exam statistics are aggregated from Thalamus/Cortex.

  4. All percentiles and z scores are automatically calculated from specialty-wide data from programs using Thalamus.

  5. Graphical representations are calculated from specialty-wide data from programs using Thalamus.

Program Summary Definitions

Below are some additional explanations on the data and details you will see in this section: 

  • Raw Statistics: data counts from the Applicants page within Thalamus. 

  • Normalized Statistics: Total data from the program divided by the number of total invitations to produce a % value. 

  • Z score: Z-scores are standard metrics use to describe the location on a normal distribution. A z-score describes the position of a raw score in terms of its distance from the mean, when measured in standard deviation units. The z-score is positive if the value lies above the mean, and negative if it lies below the mean.

  • Standard deviation: a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values.

  • Mean: arithmetic average

  • Percentiles: each of the 100 equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable. In Cerebellum, the percentile is comparing the specific program to other programs in their specialty. Percentiles are calculated out of 100% and rounded to the nearest 10%

  • Bell curve: graph depicting the normal distribution, which has a shape reminiscent of a bell.

Visit our guides Navigating Cerebellum for information on applying Filters and Exporting data in Cerebellum and Optimizing Cerebellum Data for information on optimizing data aggregation within Thalamus, Cortex and Cerebellum. 

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