Health Equity Recruitment Outcomes

Cerebellum Health Equity Recruitment Outcomes and Health Equity Matrix sections display the percentage of applicants self-identifying into various categories compared to specialty benchmarking. 

Health Equity Recruitment Overview: 

The Health Equity Recruitment Outcomes chart displays the percentage of applicants within each self-identification group, the comparison to specialty benchmarking for that self-identification group, and percentage of each group that exists with a specific status in Thalamus or Cortex.

Each applicant is included in up to 3 identifying categories (which covers 99.99% of all applicants). The categories being displayed include the major ethnographic categories presented in GME applications. Additional categories with large applicant populations have also been included to present the most complete picture.

Future updates will allow for further filtering of applicants into subpopulations within each of the larger categories in a matrix view.

Data can be filtered based on the below categories:

  • Current Address State
  • Current Address Country
  • Permanent Address State
  • Permanent Address Country
  • Medical School
  • Medical School Type
  • Medical School State
  • Self Identify
  • Sex


How the data is aggregated:

  • In Specialty percentages/values are calculated from specialty-wide data from programs using Thalamus.
  • Self-identified percentages are calculated from Thalamus/Cortex data from the program.

Each additional status is calculated from Thalamus or Cortex in the following ways:

  • Applied is calculated from the unique number of applications uploaded by the program into Cortex and/or the number of applicants uploaded but not invited in Thalamus (i.e. have a status of “Not-Invited”). Visit our guide Uploading Applications into Cortex for information on the Cortex upload process. 
  • Invited is calculated based on the number of applicants invited to interview by the program in Thalamus.
  • Scheduled is calculated based on the number of applicants that scheduled interviews with the program (or were scheduled by the program to interview) in Thalamus.
  • Completed is calculated based on the number of applicants that completed interviews with the program in Thalamus.
  • Matched is calculated based on the number of applicants that were marked as matched in Thalamus. Visit our guide Mark Applicants as Matched to learn how to update your matched applicants. 

Note: If any of the statuses are missing from the graph (e.g. applied, invited, scheduled, completed, ranked or matched) it means that the feature that aggregates data for that category was not used in Thalamus or Cortex by the program.


Health Equity Matrix Overview:

The Health Equity Matrix provides visualization for programs of applicants that self-identify in multiple categories. Each applicant is included in up to 3 identifying categories based on the self-identification information provided on their application. The categories displayed on each axis include the major ethnographic categories present in residency and fellowship applications. The matrix can be used by selecting a self-identification category on each axis and noting the value at the intersection of the row and column. The intersection between two self-identification categories will display the total number of applicants that self-identify in both categories. The 'No Identification' field will display the sum of all applicants who did not report any self-identification.


Why aren't more self-identifications represented? 

The self-identify categories selected include the highest-level categories on standard GME training applications, regularly used by several of the organizations managing this UME to GME (and beyond transitions). Also included, are the largest “other” categories by applicant counts.

Our goal is to make the data as inclusive and equitable as possible, while also providing a valuable user interface and experience for analysis. Much care and effort has gone into ensuring that sub categories are accurately represented within each group.

Future Cerebellum updates will include additional ways to further represent and explore categories more broadly and with greater depth. For specific questions about how Thalamus’ data science team analyzes this data or if you have any suggestions or feedback, please contact our team by submitting a ticket here or from the teal "Contact Thalamus Customer Support" button in the lower right hand corner of any page of our website.


Visit our guides Navigating Cerebellum for information on applying Filters and Exporting data in Cerebellum and Optimizing Cerebellum Data for information on optimizing data aggregation within Thalamus, Cortex and Cerebellum.

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