Uploading Applicants into Thalamus NON ERAS

In order to upload your applicant data into Thalamus, you will need to create a CSV file with your applicant information.

Creating the CSV Template

  1. Download the CSV file template (attached at the bottom of this article) 
  2. Contact each applicant to request their AAMC# (this may be from a previous NRMP match)
  3. Fill in all required columns and any additional columns you would like to include. Required columns are: 
    • AAMC ID 
    • E-mail
    • First Name
    • Last Name
  4. For any applicants that do not have a previous AAMC ID, leave those cells blank and contact our customer care team with a copy of your CSV
    The AAMC ID must be used with the candidate's actual number. The applicant's AAMC ID may be located in their application. Please DO NOT make up an AAMC ID, as it can be connected to another applicant and cause an issue with the applicant account(s). Contact the Thalamus Customer Care Team for any questions or clarifications.
  5. To import sex or gender, * data on your CSV must reflect "Man", "Woman" or "Another Gender Identity" or "Decline to Answer". 
  6. Once you have all applicant information entered into the CSV, continue to the next step

Important: Do not change the names/titles of any columns on the CSV, they are specific to Thalamus requirements.

Importing the CSV into Thalamus

  1. Navigate to the Applicants page (which will initially appear empty with the message shown)
  2. Non-ERAS programs will select the “+ Import” button and continue to the next step.
    ERAS programs will select the "Add Applicants" button. If you are an ERAS program, please follow with the instructions found in section titled "Uploading Applicants Using a CSV File" in our user guide to Import Applicants into Thalamus Core (Authorizing Applicants from ERAS to Thalamus Core).
    Import button.png
    Add Applicants button.png
  3. The “Import Applicants” module will appear.
  4. Select “Choose File,” then select the desired CSV file and click “Open.” The file will begin to upload automatically. 


5. Once complete, you will see the Applicants Import modal displaying the following information:
  • File Name
  • Total Records = total number of applicant records attempted to upload
  • Valid Records = number of valid applicant records uploaded
  • Invalid Records = number of applicant records uploaded with errors
  • New Records = number of new applicant records uploaded (i.e., applicants who have not been uploaded by previously program)
  • Existing Records = number of existing applicant records uploaded (i.e., applicants who have been previously uploaded by program)
  • Omitted Fields = number of data fields not uploaded to Thalamus (i.e., data fields not supported by Thalamus)
  • “Total Applicants” tab = confirms applicants being uploaded to Thalamus
  • “Invalid Applicants" tab = will display errors preventing file from uploading. Clicking on this tab will display the errors. 
  • "Imported Fields" tab = All data fields imported to Thalamus
  • "Omitted Fields” tab = lists columns in your CSV file that have not been uploaded into Thalamus. If this occurs for a field you believe is supported by Thalamus, please check your CSV file to ensure the column is labeled correctly.

6. The "Export Results" button in the Applicants Import modal will allow you to export invalid applications that failed to upload (your Invalid Records). 

Applicants Import modal.png

7.  Select “COMPLETE” to finalize the upload. If not selected, the upload will be lost. Once finalized, your applicant data will display in the applicant dashboard table.

8.  To cancel this process at any time, select “CANCEL”. 

Important Note:  The CSV upload in Thalamus was designed to accommodate multiple CSV file uploads throughout the interview season.  You may continue to add applicants to the same CSV file.  Applicants from prior uploads may remain in your master CSV file. 

9. Once applicant data has been uploaded onto your Applicant Dashboard, additional functionality will appear which includes:

  • Select Box: Allows for bulk selection of applicants
    - All: selects all applicants on applicant dashboard.
    - Full Page: selects all applicants displayed on page of data table.
    - None: deselects all applicants on applicant dashboard.
  • Column Sorter: Allows user to sort columns by clicking on teal blue headings. Rows will then be sorted in ascending/descending order by that column’s values.
  • Single Applicant Selector: Check box that allows for selection of single applicants. To select applicant(s), fill check boxes that correspond to each of the desired applicant(s).
  • Applicant Display Count: Provides count of applicant records being displayed.
  • Page Sorter: Allows user to toggle between pages of applicants by selecting
  • Previous, Next, or Individual Page Number: To navigate page to page. 
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