Reporting and Data Exports

Thalamus offers a variety of reporting options to help you stay organized through a busy recruitment season. An overview of all reports and exports are below, along with links to more detailed guides.

Cerebellum offers a dashboard view of your applicant data from all recruitment seasons, including scheduling & invite trends, geographic data and Health Equity data. Review our Overview of Cerebellum Data for more information. 

The Daily Digest email is a once a day automated email that provides Program users with information regarding scheduling activities that occurred over the previous 24 hours. This email can be managed on the Program and Individual user level by following the Daily Digest Email for Program Users guide. 


Data Exports

Thalamus offers several ways you can export your applicant data to excel or txt files.

Applicant Dashboard: You are able to bulk export any data that is stored within your applicant dashboard into an excel file, with the exception of detailed scores, survey answers, PDF files and image files. Learn how to Export Applicant Data from Thalamus.

Rank List: From your rank list, you are able to export your default and multiple rank lists into both excel and txt files at any time.  Additionally, you can export individual applicant score information from the Rank list Panel as an excel file. Learn more about Ranking Applicants.
Note: If your program uses Legacy Scoring (non-Thalamus Holistic Review), please see this guide for Ranking Applicants.

Roster Layouts & Composite: There are a variety of roster layouts available that allow you to export applicant data into a formatted document, such as a Word, PDF, or Powerpoint document. These layouts are customizable and can be generated from both your Applicant Dashboard and your Calendar Events. Learn how to Customize Roster Layouts.



Thalamus offers several prebuilt and customizable reports that are designed to help you track and manage your applicant scheduling and interviewing. All reports can be exported into an excel file. 

The below reports can be accessed from the Reports tab in your upper menu bar.

Reports Tab.png

Action Log: Displays all scheduling actions taken by an applicant, including Scheduling, Cancellation, Waitlist and Withdraw actions. Can be filtered by Event date, Action Date, and Event type.  Learn more about how to review the Action Log: Tracking Applicant Cancellations/Scheduling and Other Data.

Waitlist Report: Displays information about all applicants on the waitlist for any of your calendar events. Applicants can be searched by name and can be filtered by Event type.

Event Distribution Report: Displays capacity information for all interview days based on track. This report can help you understand what interviews are close to filling, and whether certain tracks have more availability than others. This is particularly helpful when you are inviting applicants in waves, as it will allow you to identify potential gaps in your availability.

Scheduling Groups/Tier Report: Displays capacity information in aggregate for all Scheduling Groups and Tiers. Can be used to identify if applicants within a specific Scheduling Group or Tier will encounter scheduling limitations, based on the number of spots currently available on your calendar.

Surveys Report: Displays all survey responses and unanswered surveys for all scheduled and unscheduled applicants. Can be filtered Event Date, Event Type and Survey questions. Allows you to easily identify applicants who have not yet answered your survey. Learn How to Review Surveys Results/Reporting.

Multiple Interviews Report: Displays applicant and their scheduled interviews based on interview round. Users may conveniently send emails from their native email client (i.e., Outlook), send additional templates, and view the applicant's email log from this report. Learn about the Multiple Interviews Report.

Interviewer Report: Allows Program Administrators to efficiently capture and analyze interviewers' participation for the current recruitment season by creating custom reports based on a number of criteria, including your selection of events, event types, session types, and program users. Detailed information is included for each interviewer, such as event and session involvement, applicant interactions, and more. You can even see which specific applicants scheduled with specific interviewers, if desired. Learn how to create custom Interviewer Reports.

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