Navigating your Applicant Dashboard

The applicant dashboard is the core feature for managing applicants within Thalamus.  It can be accessed from the menu bar by selecting “Applicants” link. 

You will need to upload Applicant data from ERAS for your dashboard to be fully functional. Visit our  Uploading Applicants into Thalamus from ERAS guide for more information.

Applicant Statistics Box: The dashboard contains several bar graphs within the box which help track applicant data:

Applicant Statistics Box.png

  • Selected = displays number of applicants selected for other functions on the dashboard. 
  • Self-identification = tracks number of applicants by Sex or Gender (either is acceptable) currently uploaded to your dashboard. 
  • Tier 1/2/3 and No Tier = displays the total number of applicants in each tier or no tier.
  • Scheduling Groups = display the total number of applicants in each scheduling group
    • Multiple Groups = applicants who have more than one scheduling group assigned.
    • No Group = applicants who have yet to be assigned a scheduling group.
    • Program customized groups = Represent the scheduling groups set up by program.
      Visit our Creating/Editing your Program Profile guide for information on setting up scheduling groups for your program. 
  • Interview Status = displays number of applicants who have reached a particular interview status throughout the process including:
    • Total applicants = displays number of applicants uploaded.
    • Not invited = displays number of applicants uploaded, but to be invited to interview.
    • Invited = displays number of applicants invited to interview but have yet to schedule an interview.
    • Withdrawn = displays number of applicants who have been invited to interview, and then selected to be withdrawn from further consideration.
    • Waitlisted = displays number of applicants who have signed up for one or more waitlist positions, but are not scheduled for an interview date (i.e. applicants on a waitlist for a date and who have a scheduled date, will not have this status)
    • Scheduled = displays number of applicants scheduled to interview (either automatically scheduled by the applicant or manually scheduled by the program user) but have yet to attend their interview. Applies to applicants who are scheduled to an event +/- on at least one waitlist. 
    • Canceled = displays number of applicants who have signed up to interview and then canceled that interview (either automatically canceled by applicant or manually canceled by program user).
    • Completed = displays number of applicants who have scheduled and then attended their interview.
    • Missed = displays number of applicants who have scheduled and then marked as missing their interview date (“No Shows”). 

Applicant Dashboard Tool bar:

  • "+ Import" Button: Button used to select and import applicants from CSV file. (Non-ERAS programs only)

  • Search Box + Search/Reset Buttons:

    • Allows user to find applicants based on values in the table.  The search will pick unique fields and components of those fields including applicant name, AAMC ID#, email address and others. Data that matches search criteria will be displayed. To restore full applicant data set, select “Reset” button.

  • Export Button: Allows user to export data from applicant table into Excel and CSV file types (comma, semicolon, and tab delimited options).  Visit our Running/Exporting a Report from your Applicant Dashboard guide for more information. 
  • Rows Box: Allows user to select total number of applicants displayed per page.  
    • Click in the box and typing the desired number
    • Click in the box and select a pre-determined value from the drop-down value
    • Hover mouse cursor over box and then clicking on the up/down arrows that appear to increase/decrease to the desired number.
  • Records/Selected Counter: Counts total number of applicants “uploaded” + total number of applicants “selected” on the table.
  • Actions Button: Provides additional functionality for the dashboard including assigning tiers/scheduling group, inviting applicants to interview, manually scheduling and canceling applicants, sending templates and emails, scoring applicants, creating print pages. 
  • Filter Button: Provides ability for user to filter applicants.  Select this button to open the filter module.
    • Basic filters may be applied by selecting on or more items across these categories: Interview Status, Tiers, and Scheduling Groups
    • Advanced filters may be applied by selecting data fields via the drop-down menu in the first box (in this case “scheduled date”). Advanced filters are used to filter data in categories other than the three fields listed above.
    • The second drop down menu applies the condition of the filter.
    • The third drop down menu contains the value of the filtered results that will be displayed.  Note: Basic and advanced filters may be applied simultaneously.
    • To apply filters, select button.
    • To clear filters, select button.
    • To cancel a selection, select button.
      Applicant Filters.png
    • Once filters are applied, “pills” will be displayed on the dashboard.  To clear an individual filter, select the “X” in that particular, filter “pill.”  
      Applicant Filters Applied.png
      Note: Filters may be applied to sort data as needed.  If a filter is applied prior to a data export, the corresponding CSV or Excel file will contain only the filtered data.
  • Gear Button:

Note: Once applicant data has been uploaded onto your Applicant Dashboard, additional functionality will appear which includes:

  • Select Box: Allows for bulk selection of applicants
  • All: selects all applicants on applicant dashboard.
  • Full Page: selects all applicants displayed on page of data table.
  • None: deselects all applicants on applicant dashboard.
  • Column Sorter: Allows user to sort columns by clicking on teal blue headings. Rows will then be sorted in ascending/descending order by that column’s values.
  • Single Applicant Selector: Check box that allows for selection of single applicants. To select applicant(s), fill check boxes that correspond to each of the desired applicant(s).
  • Applicant Display Count: Provides count of applicant records being displayed.
  • Page Sorter: Allows user to toggle between pages of applicants by selecting
  • Previous, Next, or Individual Page Number: To navigate page to page. 


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