Thalamus allows you to create a custom profile for your Program. This profile is only visible to applicants after you have invited them to interview.
Program Directors, Program Coordinators, and Program Administrators are able to update the Program Profile. Visit our Create and Manage Program User Accounts guide for more information.
NOTE: This user guide reviews how to make adjustments to your Program Profile. To set the default options for additional settings on the Program page, please see the following guides:
- Calendar Settings Overview (Global Program Settings)
- Manage Ranking / Rank List Settings (Regular vs Golf Score Rank)
- Waitlist Setup
- Setting your Lockout Dates
Program Initial Parameters
1. Upon login, you are brought to the “Program” page manager. To access this page at any time, select the “Program” tab in the upper menu bar. At any time you can navigate to a specific section of the page by clicking the item in the menu on the left.
2. Begin with Program Initial Parameters where some of this information has been pre-populated by Thalamus.
3. To add/edit this information, click the "Edit" button. The fields will become editable allowing you to customize your profile as desired.
4. Program Track Participation is an optional section that will only be viewable on your Program Profile if there is at least one track with the profile preview enabled. Here you can enter any tracks that your program has.
Note: After the following Program Profile information has been entered, you can preview what an applicant will see by selecting “Preview Profile" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Scheduling Groups
Thalamus is equipped with Scheduling Groups that allows users to group candidates amongst particular categories that can be used to create scheduling preferences
For example, an applicant can be assigned to a "Student Rotator" scheduling group and be invited to schedule for one specific event date.
Scheduling groups act as permissions within Thalamus and allow applicants to sign up for specific interview spot(s).
Calendar events can be customized to allow a specific number of spots for one or multiple scheduling groups. Applicants will not see the group(s) they are assigned to, nor will they have access to view calendar events that do not contain at least one position for a scheduling group on which they are assigned.
NOTE: At least one scheduling group must be created in order to create calendar events. A minimum of one scheduling group must be assigned to an applicant prior to inviting. Scheduling groups cannot be modified once an applicant has scheduled for an event.
1. To Edit Scheduling Groups, click on the "Edit" button in the section.
2. To add a group, select “Add New Group” and an additional row will appear.
3. To delete a group, select the red circle “X” to the right of that group's corresponding row. Please note, a scheduling group can not be deleted if it has been assigned to an applicant in a past or current season.
4. To save the data, select Save. To undo or cancel these changes, select Cancel.
Program Images
To upload Program Images select the Edit button.
Select the Browse button under either Program Logo or Program Background to choose your desired image file in your device's file explorer. To remove the current image without replacing it, select Remove.
Select the Save button to save your changes. To undo or cancel these changes select the Cancel button.
Note: The recommended size for the Program Background is 1000 pixels wide by 214 pixels high.
Program Leadership
The Program Leadership section of your program profile is not connected to the "Administration" page or to any user accounts in Thalamus. How individuals are listed on the profile has no effect on their user accounts and security roles.
This section allows you to list Program Directors, Department Chair, Associate Program Directors, Chief Residents and Program Coordinators for your Program Profile. This information will be visible to any applicant you have invited to interview.
1. Click the Edit button to make changes to your Program Leadership.
2. To add Program Leadership members, click the "+" next to the type of member to add. Enter the name of the member. You can add a photo by clicking on the teal circle next to the person's name.
3. To reorder your program member list, click the blue arrow next to the person's name, and drag them to the appropriate spot.
4. To remove the member, click the red "X" next to their name.
5. To change the order in which the types of leadership roles appear, change the number in the box next to that section.
6. To save changes, select "Save". To cancel changes, select "Cancel"
About Program
In the About Program section, select Edit button to enter a description of your program. Text may be formatted using the formatting toolbar. For more information on this section, visit our Customizing the About Program section of your program profile guide.
Programs have the capability to embed a video onto their main Program Profile page. We suggest that the video is uploaded to one of these two programs, YouTube Video or Vimeo, and then the link to the video input to the Video Link field.
For more information on this section, visit our Adding a Video on the Program Profile Page guide.
You may upload documents using the “Add Attachments" button. Ensure that your document is uploaded and selected (showing as teal) in the list to be included on the profile and click the Select button.
Social Links
There are five (5) social media websites that can be linked to the Program Profile page. Programs have the option to link as many as they'd like. The five websites are:
- YouTube
For more information on this section, visit our Adding Social Media Links on Program Profile Page – ThalamusGME
Program Year Salaries
Program Year Salaries may be entered from PGY1 to PGY10 by selecting the Edit button. Salaries should be entered in whole numbers and the system will format them correctly. To save changes, select "Save". To cancel changes, select "Cancel".
Contact & Locations
Select the Edit button in Contact & Locations to enter important contact information for your program.
Update the "Home Airport" field and choose from the list of airports provided. This will activate the travel coordination features for applicants. This field is required. If there are multiple airports that service your program, please select the closest or most preferred one.
Virtual Interviews
The Interview Settings section allows program users to choose their:
- Default Interview Type (Virtual, In-Person, Hybrid)
- Video Software, as well as integrating a third party video conferencing software (Zoom, Webex, or Teams) directly with your program in Thalamus. Thalamus Video will be selected by default and pre-populated for programs who have purchased Thalamus Video
- Auto Virtual Knock Interval (supported with Thalamus Video only) - see our guide Virtual Knock Interval for Thalamus Video (Automatic Notification) for more information
If you are integrating with Zoom, Webex, or Teams please view the Integrating Video Apps to Your Account (Zoom, Teams, Webex) section.
Other Settings
In the Other Settings section, Thalamus is equipped with a Google Map of the local area, a 5-day weather forecast and Taxi Fare Finder (estimates cab fare from airport to program) widgets. These widgets may be turned on/off using the toggles provided.
You may also Enable program notifications, which include the Daily Digest Email for Program Users.