Building your Interview day Itinerary using the Manual Itinerary Builder

Thalamus is equipped to build and manage applicant itineraries for each and all of your candidates on their interview days.

To set the default Virtual Meeting option to Thalamus Video, Zoom, Webex, or Teams, navigate to the Program Page to select and activate any integrated 3rd party video software. 

If you are integrating with Zoom, Webex, or Teams please view the Integrating Video Apps section

  • Select the default Video Software:screenshot 1.jpg


Itinerary Builder Navigation

  1. To set your applicants’ schedules, select “Interviews” and then “Itinerary builder” in the main navigation bar. itinerary_builder_.png
  2. Use the "Event" drop-down box to navigate to a specific date.  The arrows may also be used to navigate.  The right arrow advances the day.  The left arrow is used to access previous days.
  3. The "View" drop-down box allows you to change view "By Location", "By Applicant", and "By Interviewer". If you are on a day without any Applicants scheduled, adjust your view "By Interviewer" or "By Location" to see scheduled sessions.
  4. The "Published" toggle indicates whether you have published your itineraries for applicants and faculty to view.
    • If the toggle is "grey" your itineraries are NOT published and cannot be viewed by applicants and interviewers. An icon will appear next to "unpublished", confirming the status. Hovering over this icon will provide further details.
    • If the toggle is "blue" your itineraries are published and can be viewed by applicants and interviewers
    • Note: If you do not publish your itineraries, your participants will not be able to see their schedule. 
  5. The "+ Create Location" button allows you to add a specific, physical location (should not be used for virtual interviews). This can also be done during the creation of a session.
  6. The "+ Create Session" button allows you to add a new session to the schedule. You can also create a new session by clicking on the schedule when in any "View". 
  7. The "Gear" button allows you to manage "Locations" and "Session Types". 
    1. "Manage Locations" allows you to see the full list of physical locations, and edit/ remove any specific location. 
    2. "Manage Session Types" allows you to view list of all available sessions types add new types. Screenshot IB 1.jpg

Create Itinerary Sessions

  1. Select either the "+ Create Session" button or click on the schedule to open the "Create Session" module.
  2. Update the session time with the start and end time of the session. Note: You can build multiple sessions for a single candidate on a given day, this action is for one specific session, i.e. a single interview, lunch, a single informational session, etc.
  3. Set the session type using the drop-down menu. Select a default name or create custom session types
  4. Set the location using the drop-down menu. You can choose between the following locations:
    • Virtual Interview (Thalamus), if using the Thalamus Virtual Interview platform. When choosing this location, Thalamus will generate a virtual interview link for your interviewers. Note: Virtual interviews are displayed in the, "View by Applicant" or "View by Interviewer" views. This is due to the variety of links and rooms which are generated
    • Virtual Interview (Manual), if not using the Thalamus Virtual Interview platform and wanting to use another 3rd party service manually (i.e. Zoom, Webex, etc). When choosing this location, you will have an option to enter the Meeting URL and Passcode.
    • Virtual Interview (Zoom/Teams/Webex) if integrating a 3rd party video conferencing platform via API.
  5.  To create Custom Locations for in-person or hybrid interviews, select the "+ Creation Location" button or the "+ Add Location" button in the location dropdown.
  6. If using Thalamus Video, set Auto Virtual Knock interval.screenshot 3.jpg
    Note: To move the modal to a new position on the page, click on the modal when you see a 4-headed arrow icon appear. This will allow you to drag and drop the modal into a new position.

Adding Applicants and Interviewers/Program Staff

  1. Add applicants to the itinerary. Sessions can accommodate a single applicant (e.g. one on one interview), multiple applicants (e.g. group interview), or all applicants (e.g. lunch, tour, etc.).
    • To select a single candidate, use the drop-down menu to choose the candidate of interest. They will then appear in the added list. Note: Only candidates signed up to interview for that event will be listed.
    • To add additional candidates, repeat this process.
    • To add all candidates to an event → select the “Select All Applicants"
    • To remove all candidates, click the “X” to the right of "All Applicants"
    • To remove a candidate previously selected, click the “X” to the right of the candidate’s name.
  2. Add Faculty to the itinerary. Sessions can accommodate a single faculty (e.g. one on one interview), multiple faculty (e.g. group interview), or all faculty (e.g. lunch, tour, etc.).
    • To select a single faculty, use the drop-down menu to choose the faculty of interest. They will then appear in the added list.
    • To add additional faculty, repeat this process.
    • To add all faculty to an event → select the “Select All Faculty"
    • To remove all Faculty, click the “X” to the right of "All Faculty"
    • To remove a faculty previously selected, click the “X” to the right of the faculty’s name.
      Note: Only faculty who have been added to your Program Administration can be added to an interview session. Visit our  Creating/Editing/Removing Additional Program User Accounts guide for more information. 
  3. To create the event, select the “Save Session” button. To discard changes and cancel, click the “Cancel” button or click outside the menu.
    screenshot 4.jpg
  4. The created event will then display on the calendar. Each event type has its own color.
    •  An icon in the upper right-hand corner of a camera will denote if this is a virtual meeting.
    • A number will appear on the event, indicating the number of total participants in the event.
  5. Continue session/itinerary creation as needed until full itineraries are built.

View, Edit & Delete Sessions

  1. To view event session details, click on the event session and a popup will appear with the: 
    • Type
    • Time
    • Location
    • Faculty
    • Applicants
  2. To edit this session, click the "Edit Session" button.
  3. To delete a session, click the "Delete" button.
  4. To send a calendar invite for this individual session, select "send calendar invite". 

Publish Itinerary

NOTE: If you have not published your itinerary, applicants and faculty will not be able to see this date on their schedules. Please return to the top of the itinerary builder and publish your itinerary once its complete! 

  1. To publish your itinerary, click the "Publish" toggle on the upper right.
  2. If you wish to notify participants of the published status, in the Publish Confirmation modal, toggle "Notify Participants" to "yes".
  3. Use the checkboxes on the left, to select the participants you want to notify.
  4. Select "Preview Email" to view the message, if desired.
  5. Select "Confirm" to send the notification to the selected participants.

IB Screenshot 4.jpg


For detailed instructions on Editing or Deleting Event Sessions, visit our Editing Event Sessions and Deleting Event Sessions guides.


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