Overview of the Institution Cerebellum Dashboard Data

This guide provides an overview of the data within Cerebellum and a brief description of each data section. 

Description of each Cerebellum section by Program

  • Program Summary Statistics section displays the programs total applicant interview statistics across a single season and provides a comparison against the statistics within the program's specialty

  • DEI Recruitment Outcomes section displays the percentage or total count of applicants by program in three charts:

    • Gender by Program

    • Medical School Type by Program

    • DEI by Program

  • Geographical Recruitment Outcomes section maps applicant density for the program and within the specialty.

  • Interview Invitation & Completion Insights section displays a time series of daily and cumulative invitation release and interview completion for the program.

Detailed guides on each section of the Institution Dashboard of Cerebellum)

Program Summary Statistics

Year Over Year

DEI Outcomes

Geographical Recruitment Outcomes


Guides on accessing, navigating and optimizing the Institution Dashboard of Cerebellum

Logging In and Logging Out of Cerebellum

Navigating Cerebellum

Optimizing Cerebellum Data

What data can I learn about my institution in Cerebellum?

Cerebellum provides data regarding an institution’s summary statistics, DEI and geographical recruitment outcomes, and a time series of interview invitations and completions. An institution’s interview summary statistics, DEI data and geographical recruitment options.

What data can I learn about other institutional programs in my specialty in Cerebellum?

All benchmarking and specialty comparison data presented in Cerebellum is done using a fully de-identified method. Institutions will not learn any specific information about any specific institution, other than as part of aggregate specialty wide data. As such, to maintain this anonymity between programs, any value for which Thalamus has less than 10 other institutions for comparison will not be presented to maintain the privacy of all programs using Thalamus.

How frequently is this data updated? 

Data in Cerebellum updates automatically every 24 hours and includes any new data or actions in Thalamus or Cortex.

Where does this data come from? 

Cerebellum uses data from the interview process aggregated from a program’s use of Thalamus and/or Cortex. Detailed aggregation information is provided on the specific guide of each Cerebellum section. 

Do I have to use both Thalamus and Cortex to use Cerebellum?

Institutions that use only Thalamus or both Thalamus and Cortex may use Cerebellum and receive useful insights. However, programs that use Cortex will be provided with a more complete picture of their applicant pool and accompanying characteristics given the enhanced data capabilities of Cortex. 

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